about us

Charles Aarons | Director

Print excellence isn't just a goal, it's our foundation

At CP GRAPHIX, print excellence isn’t just a goal, it’s our foundation. Founded by entrepreneur and businessman Charles Aarons, we’ve built a legacy of unparalleled quality and service. With a wealth of experience and an impeccable reputation, we’ve been adding color to the lives of corporations and individuals across South Africa.



What sets us apart? It’s our commitment to quick turnaround times, competitive pricing, and unparalleled customer service. Your satisfaction is our driving force, and we stop at nothing to deliver exceptional results, every time. Join the countless satisfied clients who trust CP GRAPHIX for all their printing needs.

CP Graphix Your premier destination for top-quality printing solutions with a commitment to excellence.

Our Vision:

To establish CP GRAPHIX as an iconic and highly respected name in the print industry throughout South Africa.

Our Mission:

To consistently deliver high-quality printing services with rapid turnaround times and competitive pricing, ensuring maximum satisfaction for every client.

Our Objectives:

  • Customer satisfaction is paramount.
  • Uphold the highest standards of quality.
  • Stay at the forefront of cutting-edge printing technology.
  • Offer competitive pricing without compromise.
  • Set new benchmarks for turnaround times.

"Printing is the bridge that connects the past with the present and the future, preserving knowledge and shaping the world."
